Our Purpose

Our Purpose

Our Purpose

We are followers of Jesus Christ and commit ourselves to His purposes.


Only God’s Holy Spirit can call a non-believer to acceptance of Jesus Christ. As His church, we are also Christ’s body in this world. How can they believe except they hear? Our mission is to preach His gospel and teach all who will come.

Worship God

Our fellowship is with others who hold similar values, beliefs and Love for Christ. The Lord gave each of us different gifts and abilities to worship and to work. Together we can serve the Lord as He intends. We sing His praises, seek His Face, hear His messages, give Him all glory, receive His healing and mercy, pray for others and ourselves, obey His commandments. This is how we worship the Living God.


Jesus taught that whenever people accept Him into their Lives, they are spiritually “born again”. As such, they are like spiritual infants and must learn what it means to follow Christ. Our church provides leadership and guidance to new Christians maturing into lifelong followers of Jesus Christ.


Everyone encounters difficulties and has times of need. Jesus said that, in this world, we will have troubles. But Jesus has overcome the world. We are your brothers and sisters in Christ and will be with you and for you in your times of need.

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